
Qinghai Kingho Group Muli Coal Mine Holds Conference to Study Excellent Speech Draft

來源: Qinghai Kingho Group
編輯: 阿勇
發(fā)布時間: 2013-09-18
訪問量: 4957

China Kingho Qinghai News (Yang Fei) To further promote the landing of enterprise culture, the Party branch of Muli Coal Mine, organized staff to study the excellent draft of the speech contest of Qinghai Kingho Group in accordance with the spirit of QHDZ [2013] Document No. 6. Totally 94 people participated in the contest, including mine leaders, heads of each department, shift leaders and staff. The study was hosted by Xu Chengshan, Deputy Mine Director of Muli Coal Mine and Party Branch Secretary. Materials were jointly studied and discussed by the organization commissioner and study commissioner of Party branch and participants. The participants attened to the talk and took notes.
    After the meeting, Wu Weijian, Deputy Mine Director of Muli Coal Mine made a summary. He asked all staff to strengthen sense of responsibility, understand the current situation, highly unify thinking, strive to cultivate confidence in themselves and enterprises, make efforts to develop business skills and lay a solid foundation for production resumption.
    The meeting passed the positive energy of dedication and thanksgiving and inspired the working morale and enthusiasm of each employee.