
Working Committee of China Kingho Group Organizes Anti-Corruption Warning Education Training

來源: China Kingho Group
編輯: 阿勇
發(fā)布時間: 2013-07-18
訪問量: 6666

  China Kingho Beijing News (Xu Yanqin) On the afternoon of July 17, the CPC Working Committee of China Kingho Group successfully carried out “anti-corruption warning education” training activity. Ms. Duan Xiaojuan, Vice Director of General Office of Anti-Corruption Bureau of Beijing Municipal Procuratorate was invited as the lecturer. Group leaders, member of the working committee of the group, the employees above director level participated in the on-site training. All leaders and employees of the companies affiliated to the group participated in the training via video conference.
    The meeting was presided over by Li Chuanrui, Deputy Secretary of Party Working Committee of the Group. On behalf of Chairman Huo Qinghua, Secretary Li delivered an important speech. He pointed out that the training was a practice activity to implement the spirit of the “self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation and self-improvement” speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at Party's mass line educational practice activity working conference; it was an anti-corruption warning educational activity in the entire group in line with group Chiarman’s instructions of “further change work style and make efforts to solve problems arousing strong response of the mass to consolidate the result of last year’s dedication and integrity education and boost the enterprise’s Party style construction; it also was a part of a series of activities of China Kingho Group’s anti-corruption warning education in the second half of this year. 
    During the training, Ms. Duan regarded real anti-corruption case “a spreading network” as the content of training, that is, a series of construction scandals were unveiled through merely reporting. Duan also made an in-depth and detailed analysis from such aspects as modus operandi and the objective and subjective reasons behind the typical corruption representatives. She also stressed the importance of tightening the supervision in terms of fighting corruption and reinforcing legal system. Meanwhile, she had a vividly in-depth cost analysis on individual corruption offense.
    The training is of very important practical significance for all cadres and employees of the Group to persist on CPC spirit, have a firm CPC conviction, build a strong defense against a variety of decadent ideas and concepts, and be truly pragmatic and integral.