
Jia Yongke, Chief Executive Expert of Investment Banking Division of Ping An Bank Head Office, and His Party Visit Xinjiang Kingho Group

來源: Xinjiang Kingho
編輯: 黃魏
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2014-08-20
訪問量: 10623
China Kingho Xinjiang News (Mao Keqiang) Jia Yongke, chief executive expert of Investment Banking Division of Ping An Bank Head Office. Huo Qinghua, Chairman of China Kingho Group, Xu Zhong, General Manager of Xinjiang Kingho Group, Yang Lei, Chief Accountant of China Kingho Group, and other leaders accompanied the visit throughout the whole journey.
  Jia Yongke was warmly invited by Chairman Huo Qinghua, and hoped to deepen comprehensive understanding of China Kingho Group, and promote further cooperation in terms of leasing, financing and other aspects through this field visit. Accompanied by the leaders of the Xinjiang Group, Jia Yongke and his party visited Coal Quality Comprehensive Utilization Project Industrial Park, Coal-based Natural Gas Industrial Park and open coal mine site in the whole course of visit.
 During the visit, Xu Zhong, General Manager of Xinjiang Kingho Group made a detailed introduction on the overall construction of the project of Xinjiang Group to the delegation. Turning to the coal-based natural gas project, General Manager Xu Zhong carried out in-depth exchange with the delegation on the process procedures, environmental protection and other aspects of the project.
   Through field investigation and comprehensive introduction of General Manager Xu Zhong, Jiang Yongke and his party granted full recognition to the overall planning and construction of China Kingho Group.